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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Obsession or motivation?

Last weekend I measured my weight and realized that I gain back 2kg. It took me agonizing months just to sheds that off! Prior to my business trip, I have not been working out as frequent as I should. But I still watch what I eat...enough to make sure I don't overstuffed myself. And for some ironic reason after coming back from 2 weeks of business trip, the weight never seems to change as it was 6 months ago! This is so depressing!

Clearly I am so over the post pregnancy state because Hakeem is 2 now, and I can't use that as an excuse to be "over weight". I was at my worst after my delivery. Ofcourse I didn't feel so bad about it because I was pregnant right? But then I realized its not being fat that bothers me, I don't consider my self to be obsesive in getting slim (though I am inspired to gain back my figure)...I just don't want to be "out of proportion". Buying clothes can be a depressing thing. Most t-shirts that looks good on the mannequin looked awful on me. So I have to settle to baggier clother, mostly men's t-shirt which do not compliment me at all.

My objective is simple, I want to feel good about myself. In doing so I wanted to be healthy and fit. I am already at my late 30s. If I can't look good at this age, what else am I? Looking good is a subjective matter, I can't possible have the super model body, not fancy a flat ab (cos I don't remember ever had one before)...but I want to be in shape, I want to be able to shop for any darn clothes that I want. I want to be able to run up the stairs without having to stop and catch my breath. So I hit the gym again 2 days in a row (took an easy cardio on day 1since it has been a month) the 3rd day I took a slow walk with Hakeem in the afternoon. I literally told myself that I will not consume any sugar in my drinks! AT ALL!! By the 4th day, I think (and I hope its not just water retention) that 2kg are gone! IS THIS FOR REAL??? Perhaps because I was seriously monitoring my calorie intake (no more that 1400 calorie per day) + the exercise + the meal portion. The difference is now I started to create a daily diary of my calorin intake. I need to put the data out of my mind and jotted in down...literally. Previously, I was not so into this. I control my portion, had good lunch, skip rice for dinner...however still taking my coffee & tea with sugar.

This time, I am in for real. I need to see results. I can't just walking around thinking that this is impossible. I can't give my age as an excuses. I can't stop motivating myself just because I am tired. I don't need drastic results. I just need to make sure, I eat well, exercise more and stay positive. I cannot fall back to the same weight as I was 6 months ago...the pounds has to go, the fat has to go!! Slowly, gradually but surely...only 1pound a week. Thats all I need!

This post I dedicate to myself as a reminder of what I want now! It is a virtual documentation of my oath. It should validate me and bind me till the end of the year.

my lunch today: miso soup (86 calorie)


  1. Know what you mean. feel exactly the same way...the worst part for me is that I can;t even blame pregnancy hahaha.

    Maybe we can do this together?

  2. Jump in the wagon Cabbage girl!!! And we need to monitor daily consumption, go easy on Sunday (a day to enjoy a bit!). Sweat more - gym, jog, sports, swim at least 3-4times a week. Skip rice for dinner (or have small portion if need be), no sugar please! Lets do this!!

  3. Kak Dura should blame teh chef yang selalu masak sedap tuh...heheheheh

    Semua semangat nampaknya.. Masih on ke kite nyer pertandingan tuh huhuhuh

  4. hahahaha Asnida..weekend nie hancur la..dok makan best-best lak tu! apa macam..sampai sanggup redah hutan ye tak???

    Jom sambung balik..bulan Dec 2010 hari terakhir kita timbang..yang penting kira % loss total dengan berat badan sekarang. Bukan compare sesama sendiri sape paling ringan. Takleh mcm tu, unless masuk "Who's the biggest looser" la..
